Browsing articles from "December, 2009"

Nexus One Invite

Which Googler do I have to bribe to get an invite to get the Nexus One right when it launches?  According to Engadget, only a few “invitees” will be selected at launch to have the phone…probably app developers.  I want one.  I realize that I can probably just wait a month or two for it to be available to the “general public”, but I’m a very impatient person, and I don’t feel like getting this […]


Google Phone / Nexus One

The Nexus One.  Beauty.  This is the Android phone many have been waiting for.  Pictured left, it is the true “Google Phone”, AKA “Nexus One”.  Granted, what I’m about to say is all based on rumors, but a lot of it is probably true.  I’m going to compare this a lot to the iPhone, but that’s because that’s the only true competition this phone has. I’ve been waiting for an Android phone with a big […]