Android 1.5 – Cupcake Update
I can’t even begin to describe how much I am looking forward to the Cupcake Update. For those of you that don’t know, Google/T-Mobile is releasing a MAJOR update for the Android platform (more specifically the T-Mobile G1. This update is nicknamed “Cupcake†(because of all the goodies it will bring), and has been rumored to be released since the dawn of 2009. Recently the image above has appeared on T-Mobile Germany’s website, stating “Software […]
Update Notifier
Are you one of those people who keeps everything up-to-date on your computer? The kind of person who never clicks “no†when asked to update certain software? So am I. So naturally, everything on our computers is completely up-to-date, right? Wrong. I installed this program thinking it might catch at max 5 programs which just never notified me that an update was available. It found 24 UPDATES. This blew me away. Anyway, I took the […]
Time Machine
Click the picture for larger view. I find that hilarious. It’s basically a paper you should take with you if you ever get in a time machine. It will make you rich.
Bill Gates’ Facebook Page
I may not be a Mac person, but I find this absolutely hilarious. Click the picture for the full-screen image at PC World. Steve Jobs – Remember that OS you made that was awesome? Yeah, neither do I.
Smartphone App Store Comparison
Giz Explains: All the Smartphone Mobile App Stores That article (click above) is a very good comparison of all the major smartphone platforms’ application stores/markets. They all have their pros and cons, but I know from experience that both Google’s App Market and iPhone’s App Store are both great for searching/browsing/buying software.
MP3 Communism
Best. Picture. Ever. But seriously, Comcast and AT&T really need to work on opening up a little. Stop with the stupid bandwidth caps already! If Cincinnati Bell (Zoomtown) did that, I would probably suicide! (Joke).
Android vs. Windows Mobile
Did I ever mention that I now have a T-Mobile G1 phone? No, I guess I didn’t. Anyways, I switched to this phone after using an AT&T Tilt for serveral months. I had been putting custom ROM’s on that…and I rooted my Android phone, so I guess I’m just a phone junkie all around… (thinking back, I messed with my RAZR a lot too). Anyway, to get to the point, ANDROID IS AMAZING. There. I […]
What is up with Twitter? I mean, I joined today, but I still don’t get it. It’s basically FACEBOOK STATUS MESSAGES. That’s it. Except they have to be more formal in my opinion because they might be texted to someone if they’re following you. The whole thing is just…strange. And now I have to keep track of updating my Facebook and Twitter status messages! On another note, the WordPress Twitter widget is seriously MESSED UP. […]
Appropriate Title
This blog title just works. Since it’s the internet…and it’s today, then anything electronic I post is officially Technology Today! Except somehow, I still hate it. Oh well. I think my entire idea of blogs is too…formal. I was looking at someone’s tumble or something and it really inspired me to just get back on this and post whatever I want. So hopefully I stick with it this time!
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