Browsing articles from "September, 2010"

Pinned Tabs in Google Chrome

I recently discovered the use of Google Chrome’s “pinned tabs” feature.  I used this for a few days, decided to write about it, and then stopped using them.  So what happened? What are “pinned tabs”?  If you right click a tab in Google Chrome, you can click “pin tab” and it will make it into a “mini-tab” (see picture above) which doesn’t take up much room.  This is good if you have a few tabs […]


Internet Explorer 9 Beta

Internet Explorer 9 (Beta) has finally arrived.  Generally, this wouldn’t be exciting news.  People would say “oh they made a new Internet Explorer.  I actually use a decent browser…so I don’t care”.  But Microsoft actually delivered with this browser!  Keep in mind while reading my “review” that I never really used this for more than a few minutes…but in those few minutes, I was really impressed with how much this version is improved over IE […]