

Twitter What is up with Twitter?  I mean, I joined today, but I still don’t get it.

It’s basically FACEBOOK STATUS MESSAGES.  That’s it.  Except they have to be more formal in my opinion because they might be texted to someone if they’re following you.  The whole thing is just…strange.  And now I have to keep track of updating my Facebook and Twitter status messages!

On another note, the WordPress Twitter widget is seriously MESSED UP.  Every time I’ve checked it says “No response from Twitter”.  Maybe that’s because my account isn’t set to public.  Hmm.  I’ll have to look into that.

On the bright side, this allowed me to get a really cool Twitter App for my Android phone!

About the Author: Chris Bellman

Sophomore ECE major at The Ohio State University. Technology enthusiast. Runs own IT business in Cincinnati.